Slash NSA budget &
Extradite USA NSA spy chief
Slasg/Zerschneien NSA budget &
Auszuliefern USA NSA Geheimdienstchef
Slash/Réduire budget de la NSA &
Extrader Etats Unis NSA espion en
chef Alexander.
Recortar el presupuesto de la NSA &
Extradición NSA espía
jefe de Alexander.
Slash/Ridurre drasticamente budget NSA &
Estradare NSA spia capo
Slash NSA budget &
Uitleveren NSA spion chief
Slash budzetu NSA &
Ekstradycja NSA spy szef
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or other translator sites |
Please send to friends who may known friends in state
prosecutors & politicians offices. (If you copy
& / or do similar, I suggest link back here for updates;
inform me & I'll probably link
to you.)
Europe [etc, eg non USA]:
Please apply to extradite USA NSA chief[s] for massive spying,
breaking European data protection law etc.
Please reject USA extradition treaty
applications the USA abuses to terrorise European
citizens who've never set foot in USA.
USA has for decades forced
its laws abroad, inc. trying to extradite
a young Brit & other non USA citizens not
in USA who were trying to access USA computers.
The alien USA is a far bigger spy in Europe.
Europeans in Europe should face only European
law, & not be terrorised by the notoriously
violent prisons of mega spy USA.
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- Push To Extradite Alexander, before NSA damages Europe (& USA) more:
2013-10-29 BBC TV reported reprisal proposals from
European politicians to block info USA demands, eg
shipping container info etc. NSA
would thus provoke disruption
hurting both USA & Europe. Better penalise
- Abrogate extradition treaties the USA
abuses. Exclude from treaties: transatlantic
spying via Internet, Phone, Wireless, Satellite &
Cable intercept etc. USA pays $30 billion to NSA to do this to us, even to our heads of
state eg Chancellor Merkel of Germany etc; As USA
will refuse to extradite Alexander to Europe, we
should at least not extradite individuals to
- Protect whistle blowers such as
Edward Snowden against USA.
In Europe
- Citizens & European national leaders too, up
to & including heads of states, deserve
protection against USA's monstrous spy service NSA & against un-balanced
USA extraditions of individuals.
We should be freed of predatory
coercive alien USA law
Per USA Boston
Tea Party: "No Taxation Without
No USA Law Without USA Votes!
As USA prevaricates, to increase pressure:
Consider a Call For Tender For a GSM Base
Station phone net to install in Washington
Embassies to spy on USA leaders, to
counter-deter USA spying.
- Use diplomatic privilege embassies as
station bases.
as they spy on us. Openly spying on USA
leaders will cheaply return a lesson to USA
for their expensively spying on hundreds of
millions of us.
- Buy GSM base stations for a few tens of
thousand Euros from any non USA
manufacturers, eg one German manufacturer of
GSM equipment:
search at Rohde &
- It may not be the best way to counter NSA aggression, but until
there's a better way, it targets USA
executive perpetrators, & avoids
escalation to refusing shipping container
info, that would hurt trade & innocent citizens
both sides.
- The above was written before the British Embassy in Berlin
news, on German teletext & UK
Telegraph which proves its technicaly
do-able. Whether or not some nations may or
not do it, &/or others might refrain,
&/or just not be caught yet.
- Address to File An Extradition Application In
Germany: (Found from
- USA:
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Remove NSA's Keith
Alexander, who degrades USA security, by
inciting international loathing of USA's NSA.
Slash NSA budget.
- The USA is broke, approaching another crisis
in early 2014, perhaps impacting global economy,
yet USA wastes Billions on it's monstrous NSA which still grows !
USA Today 2013/10/20 editorial last para.:
"Choosing between privacy rights
and security from terrorism is difficult. But
before Americans are forced to make that
choice, the government ought to demonstrate
that this intrusive program has extraordinary
value. So far, the administration hasn't even
come close."
House Judiciary Committee, Democrats:
"The NSA's widespread surveillance
runs counter to the intentions of Congress.
And, unfortunately, under Section 215 the
government renews its demand for the
production of all phone records every 90
days, forcing companies to provide these
records on an ongoing basis, apparently
without end. By the government's own
admission, there is no limit whatsoever on
its collection of metadata under Section 215.
I have therefore come to the conclusion that,
if the government cannot provide a clear,
public explanation for how its program is
consistent with the statute, then it must
stop collecting this information
- The NSA squander global
sympathy & goodwill for America after 9/11.
Innocent lives would have been saved if the twin
towers terrorists had instead aimed at the NSA.
- NSA global data theft incites
enemies, loses friends, & reduces co-operation.
That will waste yet more USA tax-payer money.
- Members of a free software group have been
encouraged not to attend a conference tainted by NSA. More will follow.
- Employees of NSA will become
social pariahs (if not already), & NSA will look bad on Resumes when looking
for a new jobs, after NSA lay
offs, when USA tax payers force NSA budget cuts (The NSA have been cut before).
- Back To Index
- Apparently Germany is preparing a UN resolution
Computer Attacks
- As there's no recourse to remove data stolen by
NSA except breaking in to USA
computers to delete it, attempts on the NSA will probably increase, from
individuals, groups & maybe nations.
- NSA will waste yet more USA
tax-payer money, protecting data NSA stole from it's rightful owners.
Legal Attacks
- When individuals break in to USA government
computers & get caught, & USA tries to
extradite them, up to now its been a one sided fight,
but now NSA have unwittingly
perhaps given crackers an extra defence: "Trying to
[route through other USA computers to] delete or
scramble own data stolen by the NSA."
- Extradition judges / ministers etc will know
their email & phone privacy & that of their
head of state, & their colleagues &
neighbours too have also been stolen by the alien USA
NSA They may increasingly prefer
their citizens to stand trial in own country, not the
alien USA, NSA may thus damage USA
Non USA jurisdictions might start reversing cases
Against USA & perhaps; awarding legal costs
Against USA ? eg :
- Punitive damages: for frivolously wasting the
courts time, as defendants may be considered to
have the moral right to recover/ remove/ delete/
obfuscate their data stolen by the alien
- + Legal fees & costs.
- + Exemplary damages against NSA to all owners of data stolen by NSA (class action style)
- + Extra costs to non NSA
respondents, to be paid by NSA
(thus USA tax payer), as NSA
made the stolen data hard to access to
- Maybe governments finding it difficult to collect
fines imposed on alien NSA, may
penalise the NSA's associates the
USA companies whose media the NSA
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- The USA executive
misleads, rescinds, & evades on what the NSA
does, & does not do (documented over 2013 by various
newspapers etc) showing the NSA is out
of control.
- NSA are not just collecting phone
meta data to trap terrorists. They spy on their own
citizens, allied political leaders, as well as millions
of innocent non USA citizens, & are bound to be be
analysing email & web & other protocols, &
live indexing with phone calls; they do geo mapping
(mobile GSM mast point where access available, presumably
also VOIP intercepts, & satellite
intercepts, & certainly internet (also long &
widely known), & presumably smart phone viruses to
intercept GPS &/or inertial navigation etc (all
assumed at well informed specialist conference DATE
- Spying not just for terrorist detection/ tracking/
`removal', but political & commercial benefit of USA
& to keep track of anyone they don't like inside or
outside USA, USA citizen or not.
- 2013-07-24 it
was stated USA government tries to spy on/degrade
anonymiser service eg TOR, but as TOR lecturers said: when
some of USA government proposed closing TOR, another USA
government man got up & said ~No, don't close it! Tor
is useful to them to allow USA corporate whistle blowers
anonymously to inform USA government how some USA
companies are breaking USA law~
- The NSA damages democracy &
freedom, & as both technology improves & their
budget increases, they will damage more. Even if USA
reduced NSA budget each year, NSA could still continue the same damage, as
technology gets cheaper.
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Wikipedia on NSA
- Wikipedia on
- 2011-10-08: VOIP/ Skype Trojan: The
largest European hacker club, "Chaos Computer Club"
(CCC), has reverse engineered and analyzed a "lawful
interception" malware program ...
2011-10-10, reported by as
- 2013-10-29:
ACLU on USA Freedom Act
NSA FILES Decoded - What the
revelations mean for you Has live audio +
video that 2013-11-04 works with FreeBSD-8.2-RELEASE
+ Firefox 3.6.13 (Listing "Dummy flash plugin" installed,
& offering Gnash 0.8.8 9pkg_info shows gnash-0.8.8)
Shorts clips: Left click on the eagle or any face (seems
to need 3 clicks, or single click on triangle).
Includes lots of stuff, inc eg: NSA
are admonished by their own
FISA court, NSA supported by the
man NSA reports to, misleading USA senate about NSA. +
At End: 4 Reports:
- 2013-10-31:
Washington Post: 6 USA tech companies write to senate
intelligence committee
- 2013-10-31:
UK Daily Telegraph review of history old &
- 2013-10-31: BBC Podcast Today In Parliament Debate
called by LibDem Julian Huppert in Westminster Hall
co-sponsored by Labour Tom Watson & ... questions re
NSA Prism & GCHQ Tempora. Support by Green Caroline
Lucas & Conservative Dominic Raab
- 2013-11-01: USA
Rep Zoe Lofgren (Member of Congress, San Jose,
California) tweets: A must read/watch from
@guardian on the ongoing NSA surveillance debates:
- 2013-11-02:
NSA spying: Germany and Brazil produce draft UN
- 2013-11-04: google chief eric schmidt slams nsa for
tapping datacenters
Bipartisan V. NSA Thank you. "@rim_shot:
@repjustinamash Diehard liberal happy to support your
push to protect and regain our privacy!
RT @YALiberty: YAL Comms Dir @Alyssafarah:
@RepJustinAmash's USA Freedom Act is Bipartisanship
Everyone Should Get Behind "
- 2013-11-05: UK Guardian:
NSA row should not hit trade talks, Kerry tells
- 2013-11-05: UK Telegraph:
Germany calls in British ambassador
- 2013-11-06:
Apple files with US FISA court against NSA
- 2013-11-06:
Al Gore slams NSA
- 2013-11-07:
Tim Berners-Lee condemns the agencies
- 2013-11-07 Guardian:
Heads of GCHQ MI5 AND MI6 appeared before intelligence
committee live (with a delay)
Budget: GBP 2 billion. (less than US NSA $ 30 billion),
No substantive discussion about anything Snowden
- 2013-12-12 : James Clapper should resign for
lying to Congress
- 2013-12-19 White House says it's open to 45
of panel's proposed 46 NSA changes
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Free Services & Software ( for MS, Linux, BSD, Unix
etc )
Smart phones seem intrinsically insecure (as discussed in Workshop 4 of Uni
Bundeswehr CODE 2013-09-17).
One copy announced its product, we weren't
Some expensive heavy/bulky encryption phones exist. We
assumed apps for commercial smart phones to encode live
calls may later appear, some will be genuine apps, some
may be nobbled, & some may be trojans sponsored by
See Also